Chacon creates valuable new content 

Digital Media Coordinator Joe Chacon always has irons in the fire.

He has numerous recent projects in the can and is currently producing multiple others. 

Many of the videos, which include training topics and celebrations of the Belt and its people, can be found on Belt social media, including Facebook and LinkedIn. The videos also are played on monitors around the Belt facility.

As a third-generation railroader, Chacon was inspired to produce a video about multigeneration railroading families. He saw it especially fitting given the recent Family Day.

“These families helped build the railroad,” Chacon said. 

Some of his present projects focus on rules compliance. He described one as “dissecting a rule” so employees can better understand it and the importance of situational awareness. 

Another video, which Chacon describes as a short documentary, features Signalman Tim O᾿Connell and is entitled “After the Fact: Insights into an Incident.” In the video, he recounts an incident he experienced in 2019. 

“It takes you deeper into the mindset of a person who experienced an incident,” Chacon said. 

He believes that by openly discussing incidents and destigmatizing those who experience them, employees can learn valuable lessons. 

Chacon has plenty more to come. He described a video of an engine rebuild as a “big project.” 

“Our Facebook and LinkedIn are ways to stay on top of current events,” he said. “It’s a big thing for family members to see what their loved ones are up to at work.” 

Access the Belt’s LinkedIn profile

Access the Belt’s Facebook page