A few reminders about the safety incentive program:
You must have an email address on file in order to claim an item from the BRC web store.
Those who properly registered an address will receive an email response.
The store will be open between July 23 and Aug. 3. An email has to be on file and an order placed during that window in order to receive an item. The store cannot be accessed without registering an email.
Once the store is opened, it can be accessed at this link: https://mpgstore.com/belt/CompanyMainPage.aspx
The only way to ensure an order was completed is by receiving a confirmation email. Your order will be delivered to your home.
If you haven’t done so, please send an active email address to one of the following people:
For Transportation:
Chief Clerk Caitlin Kerney at ckerney@beltrailway.com
For Engineering:
Administrative Assistant Amanda Lill at alill@beltrailway.com
For Mechanical:
Administrative Assistant Cindy Homan at choman@