The board of directors continues to invest in capital projects to ensure the long-term viability of the Belt. Our railroad is of crucial value to the owner railroads, and investment in our infrastructure and operation makes it clear the Belt will continue to be vital to the rail industry’s ability to serve the country’s freight transportation needs.
The projects funded by our capital program will help us continue to execute our mission safely and efficiently, and also adapt to the changing needs of the industry. A strong infrastructure is the foundation upon which we will build the Belt’s future. The means to perform capital projects helps ensure that future will be bright.
Track, ties, ballast, signals and switches—what give them all purpose is people. What makes an investment in our railroad blue chip is the professionalism and dedication of our people. As we use an influx of capital to enhance our railroad and prepare it for tomorrow, our greatest resource will remain our employees.
— President Patrick J. O’Brien