Patrolman Ramon Ortiz
The railroad’s ongoing neighborhood watch initiative just got stronger.
With the addition of Patrolman Ramon Ortiz, the police force now includes a Spanish speaker. This has helped reach out to more people and enhance community engagement efforts.
Like his fellow officers, Ortiz will receive a list of 50 residences to visit near the Belt facility, both Chicago and Bedford Park adjacent homes. Each officer makes visits as their duties allow, usually completing the lists in a matter of months.
Making more people aware the railroad has its own police force is a benefit to safety and law enforcement. Officers provide laminated cards to residents with the railroad police department’s contact information. It notifies them that if they suspect trespassers on railroad equipment or property, or take note of suspicious activity or packages, they should call. The goal is protecting people.
Ortiz has joined Operation Lifesaver and has been a great asset to the program. He’s noted as an enthusiastic participant by his fellow officers.