The Belt Railway Police welcomes Steve Conover.
The new patrolman joined the force Sept. 1 after working for Canadian National and BNSF. He also taught criminal justice for Lowell High School in Indiana.
Conover’s father is a veteran of the Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad. As he grew up, Conover visited the railroad’s facility and became familiar with the industry and its people.
“I always felt I’d work for the railroad,” he said.
But law enforcement called to Conover, and he worked as a customs and border protection officer at O’Hare International Airport and the Canadian border.
For Conover, the Belt offers an excellent balance of his railroad background and desire to serve and protect the community. He said he’s already been able to engage with the community of railroaders within the Belt and the surrounding neighborhood. Conover praises the Belt as “diverse,” “tight-knit” and “team-oriented” and says he’s impressed with the railroaders’ work ethic.
“They show up and do the job,” he said, noting even if it’s below zero. Away from work, he enjoys time with his wife, Tiffany, and their Maine Coon cat, Eutopia. Conover is also passionate about his 1997 Corvette.