One doesn’t have to look far to find employees who make a positive difference.
Many routinely make contributions that demonstrate situational awareness of their work environment and safety of co-workers. They go the extra step and lend a hand when needed to ensure the efficiency of BRC operations.
Above-and-beyond efforts are appreciated. The following employees recently were recognized for their Eagle Eye efforts:
Leon Barginear, Renzenberger Inc., Aug. 22
During his tour of duty, Barginear saw a trespasser on BRC property walking in the foul of the East Approaches and called the West Yard yardmaster. The Belt Police then escorted the trespasser off the property.
His efforts show good situational awareness and judgment.
Donald Roth, Transportation Department, Aug. 23
During Roth’s tour of duty on the 06:30 East Yard Assignment, he saw that 08 East Class was derailed and into the side of 07 East Class. He immediately reported the derailment to authorities. The Mechanical Department car foreman and Hulcher Services were called and the cars were re-railed.
Roth’s efforts show good judgment and loyalty.
Sean Rough, Transportation Department, Sept. 29
During Rough’s tour of duty on the 17:30 Extra Transfer Assignment, he found broken rail on 06 Commercial. By immediately contacting management personnel, he prevented potential injury, as well as a possible derailment or considerable damage to railcars.
His efforts show good situational awareness and concern for safety.