New program kicks off

A new foreman training program has kicked off for Car team.

Any carman can apply for the six-week process. 

Those completing the program will fill in for current foreman, which will allow for greater flexibility, especially when a foreman is called to the field. 

Present trainees include Carmen Michael Janke, with 16 years of experience, and Matt Ferrin, who has eight years. They are working with yard and RIP track foreman as they train. They also sit in with yardmasters to gain their perspective on the operation. 

Training includes instruction of re-railing cars. Trainees also learn how to use Railinc software, which is used to track defects. While carman are familiar with the billing system software, advanced training on it also is part of the curriculum. 

“We emphasize the how and why we do things,” Assistant Superintendent Mechanical Robert Perham said. 

Managing colleagues also is a crucial part of the training, but Perham and General Foreman Jason Prosser expressed confidence in Janke and Ferrin. 

“They’re both good employees who are smart, goal-oriented and want to learn more,” Prosser said. “They have the respect of their fellow carmen.” 

Perham said that further classes are anticipated. 

From left, Carmen Michael Janke and Matt Ferrin