
Major project starts

The second phase of the 87th Street bridge project is underway. This structure holds double main line and a siding.The project is slated to be completed this fall.

Inspection season kicks off

Annual bridge inspections began April 29.

The two-week process included the Belt’s 76 bridges. A contractor performed inspections and was supported by Engineering employees, who did things such as flagging.

B&B focuses on timber bridge

B&B is readying for a bridge deck replacement this summer. The timber bridge traverses West End Avenue.

The project involves B&B employees, led by B&B Foreman Juan Morales, building panels off-site and then installing them. Track employees will then add rail.

“We want to replace timber as needed,” Communications and B&B Supervisor Jorge Guerrero. “When this project is complete, we don’t have to worry about this bridge for 30 years.”

He said the goal will be to redeck a bridge every year.

Cameras aid public safety 

Communications employees are installing cameras at crossings.

The work will continue through the summer, and the goal is to enhance safety by monitoring conditions and spotting trespassers.

C3RS making a difference 

Confidential Close Call Reporting System (C3RS) is gaining momentum, according to Superintendent of Safety Terry Hartwig.

The peer-review team (PRT) has worked on 40 cases since February, 30% of which were submitted anonymously.

Hartwig said reviewing the cases resulted in lessons learned and action items being set.

He believes employees have bought into the program to make it successful.