Due to the quick responses and keen sense of observation demonstrated by employees, potential threats to safety and property were thwarted. For their actions, the following employees received a BRC mug. Keep up the good work!
Nov. 10, 2022: When IT Manager Brandon Bondurant observed a suspicious subject with a backpack walking southbound under the hump, he immediately contacted BRC Police and kept an eye on the subject until they were detained and cited for trespassing.
Dec. 1, 2022: Employee Daniel Canvin observed three subjects crossing over stopped trains near the Pullman area and walking down an embankment. He notified BRC Police and flagged down a Norfolk Southern special agent. Canvin stayed in the area until BRC Police arrived and then showed them where the trespassers were.
Dec. 1 and 14, 2022: On Dec. 1, employee Mark Okon observed a trespasser standing on the North Kenton Line overpass at Lake Street. He notified BRC Police and gave them a description of the subject.On Dec. 14, Okon observed a suspicious duct tape-wrapped package with protruding wires near the tracks under the Cicero Avenue Bridge. He immediately called BRC Police and maintained a safe distance until they determined it wasn’t a threat.
Jan. 11: Track employee Timothy Sipple Jr. observed a trespasser enter BRC’s property at Cicero Avenue and walk across the East Yard’s tracks. Sipple immediately notified BRC Police and provided a description of the subject, who was later stopped, identified and escorted off of the property.
Jan. 12: Switchman Rob Saxton observed a trespasser standing atop a train in the 15 West Receiving Yard and notified East Yardmaster Mike Neri, who contacted BRC Police. The subject was located and transported off of BRC’s property.
Jan. 19: When employee Carey Harwell observed a trespasser sitting on an inbound CSX train on the 7-Lead, he notified the BRC Police and South Dispatch. After the train was stopped, Harwell gave South Dispatch the location and the car number on which the subject sat.