On Dec. 4, BRC Police played a part in supporting an estimated 110 families who attended an event at Chicago’s 8th District Police Station. The Belt donated approximately 60 presents for children ages 3-11 in addition to Frisbees, coloring books, crayons and plastic candy canes filled with M&M’s.
Santa Claus attended so children could take photos with him. Hot chocolate and cookies also were served.
Spreading more joy
The Belt also donated approximately 25 presents to the station’s Toys for Tots event, which collects the presents and gives them to the Marines to distribute to local families in need.
Bringing cheer to seniors
Sergeant Ramon Ortiz Jr. also helped lead a bingo party at the station for 23 seniors. The Dec. 14 event included sandwiches and chips for lunch and bingo prizes provided by the Belt.
Patrolman Mike Cirolia drops off food donations to the 23rd Ward office in Chicago for distribution to needy families prior to Thanksgiving
Food donation to local community. From left, Patrolman Young Lee, 8th District Community Policing Officer Jose Sepulveda and Safety Committee Member/Switchman Matt Davidson
Sergeant Ramon Ortiz Jr. helps bring cheer to seniors.
Sergeant Ramon Ortiz Jr. calls out bingo numbers.
From left, Patrolman Young Lee, Director of Police & Risk Management Jerry Conoboy, Safety Committee Member/Switchman Matt Davidson and 8th District Community Policing Officer Jose Sepulveda.