Continuing progress with safety

As of Sept. 28, the Belt’s Mechanical employees marked 330 days without a reportable injury while the Engineering and Transportation departments respectively achieved 122 and 250 days. 

Senior Director Safety and Compliance Jason Charbonneau lauds employees for each department’s  metrics.

“They’re out there working safely, complying with the rules and interacting with their supervisors,” he said. “There are a lot of positive things going on in the field. If an employee brings up a safety concern, it’s addressed in a timely manner. We’ve also seen a lot of good attitudes during testing and observations.”  

Charbonneau views the Belt’s size and tight-knit nature as advantages.

“Our people know one another well, so they’re comfortable saying something if they see something,” said Charbonneau, who remains optimistic about safety across the industry as employees continue to help identify, mitigate and eliminate potential exposures.