Engineering gets a jump start on winter

Anyone who’s purchased ready-to-assemble furniture knows following instructions isn’t always easy, but Vehicle Operator Rocco Booth, Construction Foreman Michael Golich and Signal Maintain John Peters don’t find it difficult.

Signal and Communications Manager John Ramirez said the highly experienced teammates did a great job adding track switch covers the last week of March. As the work involved an atypical switch design,  the employees had never installed covers that suited them. Following manufacturer instructions was part of the process as it included mounting brackets to properly set the cover.

“They’re a smart group,” Ramirez said. “The job looks good, and it’s good for them to have this skill for the future.”

The three switches involved are relatively new. Their switch rods operate within the tie duct, which insulates them from severe weather and the effects of metal contraction and expansion. The covers prevent the snow from entering the ducts and impacting operations.

A recently installed switch cover shields the equipment from the elements.