New FMLA procedure

A new Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) procedure was adopted June 1.

WorkPartners will now handle requests and administrate the FMLA requests.

To request a new FMLA leave or to report time off for an intermittent leave, employees must call WorkPartners at 1-844-202-0116. Employees must call each day they are absent for intermittent FMLA.

Belt supervisors can no longer grant FMLA, so no such requests should be made of them.

Once requested, WorkPartners will immediately contact employees to confirm that they’ve been granted leave under FMLA. 

Qualifying FMLA reasons include:

  • Birth, adoption or placement of a foster child.
  • Care for an employee’s spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition.
  • An employee’s own serious health condition.
  • Military caregiver status.

WorkPartners offers 24/7 customer service:
Phone: 1-844-202-0116
Address: P.O. Box 2840, Pittsburgh, PA 15230