Oct. 4: While working, employees Guiseppe Laudando and German Melendez observed a suspicious person exit a vehicle on Central Avenue and attempt to go in between two rail cars. The employees contacted BRC Police, who arrived on scene and cited the suspect.

Oct. 6: While working on the Kenton Line, Welders David Baisa and Al Vazquez observed three juveniles walking towards the Interstate 55 bridge. They immediately notified the BRC Police, who found that the youngsters had climbed over the bridge onto the concrete platform just above the water the bridge traverses. Any of the juveniles could have slipped and fallen into the water.

Oct. 11: Carmen Chuck Clarkson and Kevin Pargo reported a trespasser and vehicle fouling the tracks under the hump. They immediately notified the East Yardmaster, Mike Neri, who notified BRC Police. BRC Police responded and located the suspect and vehicle at the No. 4 east approach. The vehicle was towed, and the subject was transported off of the Belt’s property after being issued a citation for trespassing.

Carman Kevin Pargo

Carman Chuck Clarkson
Oct. 16: President andGeneral Manager Percy Fields notified BRC Police of a trespasser walking toward him under the hump. He kept a close eye on the subject until officers arrived. BRC Police found the subject on the hump’s south side. He was identified, advised he was trespassing and escorted off of the property.

Oct. 18: Chief Clerk Brandy Lindquist notified BRC Police of a trespasser. BRC Police found the subject on the hump’s south side, where he was identified, advised he was trespassing and escorted off of the property.

Oct. 18: While working at the Rockwell Yard, employee Jason Hernandez observed a suspicious box near the tracks. He immediately called the BRC Police. Officers recovered the box and deemed it nonhazardous.

Great job, everyone! Your actions may have prevented an injury or other incident on property.
For their efforts, employees received some of the following: Belt mugs, hats, tumblers and footballs.