The C3RS era is set to begin at the Belt.
Administered by NASA, the program allows employees to anonymously report incidents, close calls and rules violations. The violations are then discussed by a peer review team (PRT) in an effort to eliminate or mitigate the issues that caused the incident. The goal is to use incidents to enhance safety, training and rules by encouraging employees to communicate.
The PRT is in the process of being established along with internal protocols, but it will include all crafts, including Carman John Lucio. The PRT presented information sessions June 24-26. Employees from all shifts had the ability to take part. The sessions, which occured approximately at shift changes, included a Q and A segment.
He said that one of the keys to C3RS’s success will be detailed reports from employees. Lucio said he expects the data culled from C3RS to directly result in new best practices and a safer railroad.