Zegar Gives Advice

Hump Conductor Nick Zegar

Hump Conductor Nick Zegar

Hump Conductor Nick Zegar has seen countless changes during his 37 years on the railroad. Two things, however, have stayed the same: the importance of safety and care for one’s co-workers.

Convinced by his friend’s father to join Belt Railway, Zegar began as a switchman and has never looked back.

“I still am a switchman,” he said. “I can still do that job. I enjoyed it, but mostly I enjoy the people here. They make everything worth it.”

Zegar’s duties vary from day to day, including car classification and creating space for inbound freight. Before any work is done, he briefs fellow employees on potential risks that could arise.

When his nephew recently joined the railroad, Zegar gave him the same advice he gives all new hires.

“Have eyes in the back of your head and watch everything you do,” he said. “If you’re not sure of something, ask. No question is a dumb question.”

Away from work, Zegar enjoys time with his wife, Diane, and 23-year-old twin sons, Michael and Marcus. He also works out at the gym and landscapes around his home.